Erasmus KA2 project

GSS members receive funding to develop study materials

A consortium that includes three GSS members - French in Normandy / IH Rouen, Jantar / IH Split, and IH Galway - has been awarded an Erasmus KA2 grant to develop a range of study materials that focus on environmental issues for adult learners of English, French and Spanish. The project partners were selected based on their experience in materials development and/or teacher training, as well as their commitment to GSS values.

According to GSS President Jonathan Dykes, the production of these teaching materials, which will include lesson plans and videos designed for adult and young adult learners at all levels, should help language schools integrate environmental issues more readily into their study programs. The materials will also be available free of charge to schools everywhere and the project partners are hopeful that a good number of schools will decide to use them. As Jonathan says, “If we can influence how even a small percentage of our students think about the environment, the global impact could be significant."

The photo is from our first Transnational meeting that took place in Barcelona, with some members attending in person, while others attended online.